Need Help Making More Profit

From Your Events?

Give Me 7 Days And I'll

Help You Put An Event


If You Don't Generate At Least

$3000 Profit In The First

2 Months - You Don't Pay!

Watch 5 Minute Video Below For

How This Offer Works


Event Hosts Who Are Looking

To Increase Their Profit Per Event.




Hear from our clients:

We are very proud to present this excerpt written by Kevin Coval in Sarasota Magazine. Click this link to view the entire article he wrote about our music business and artist collective


"I can't thank them enough...

thank You Dead to the World,

You've changed my Life."


“If you’re on the fence about whether you need to take action with this firm, do it and you won’t regret one second that you’ve invested into achieving your goals.”


"The time and work you guys put in... I almost feel like I should've paid more."


“It’s basically just a really good business team in your back pocket that can assist you in any type of business venture…”


"They really taught me how to monetize my music... These people will help you figure out what you wanna do and where you wanna go."


"Not only do they deliver, but the results are real... This is the way to go."


"I see my life being

tremendously different

next year just based off the stuff

that they've taught me"


"This is an invaluable course

for if you're in this for the long


This is an Instagram DM from @valkitaar telling us about a post he made after using the tools we taught him to get 1.6k views on YouTube within an hour!!!


"I was incredibly humbled by

how much knowledge they

really have..."


"I've just realized so many

things about where my career

is and where it's going...

How to actually make it come together..."


"Cross gave me actual

structure, actual strategies..."


"You guys have set a standard

and a bar very high for what a

company like yours should be



"Whether its music or any kind

of business it shows you how to

connect with people..."


"Nobody could teach you what

you need to learn about the

music industry like they could

teach you..."


"I was completely blown away

by what these guys put together

and what they did for me..."

Here are some screenshots of

Rich's socials AFTER working

with us, as well as a small

excerpt about his progress that

he sent us.

"DTW's Monetize Your Music Program is great stuff. When I signed up for this program I was not quite sure what to expect, but I knew I needed some help when it came to my footprint on social media and turning my music into a profitable venture. I just finished the program the other day and I went from 1,500 likes and followers on my FB page to what you now see below during my time working with them. These guys are the real deal! I have learned a pile from them and am excited about implementing more of the training that they taught me!"

--Rich Chambers


"Without this program I really

wouldn't be focusing on what

I really need"

This is Lyzzie. She came into our program with a large fan base, but she had trouble monetizing her followers. In this video, Lyzzie is explaining how the "Monetize your Music Program" has helped her figure out how she is going to monetize her following and how she is going to streamline growth over time.


This is Austen Nobles, a producer

and recording artist we work with.

He is telling us a little bit about what has helped him see success in the music industry.

We helped changed Z1ro's

perspective on the music industry to help him sustain his journey to


$unnyBrook / Elias

"They really break down the fundamentals of what you need to be

a successful artist"

Here's an account from Willy Chill, industry professional with 10+ years of experience. We're gonna let him speak for himself here.


This is Evan Price, here's what he has to say about our program and who we are.


This is Vinnie Hines, a friend and associate of the company. Vinnie is an extremely successful musician and business owner. His Instagram is @vinniehinesmusic

This is a screenshot of one of our clients instagram analytics after

just one consultation at Dead to

the World Headquarters. As you

can see, through applying our marketing strategies, within 24

hours of the consultation, Henry's content interactions grew by over 10,000%, and the accounts he

reached improved by over 250%.

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(941) 219-9629

718 7th Ave West Unit E

Bradenton, FL